Parental conflict and poor communication can undermine the implementation of parenting plans, agreements and orders.
Often, new arrangements will require adjustments for all family members and can be a source of real conflict. Parenting co-ordination is a dispute resolution process intended to help high-conflict parents implement their parenting orders or agreements in a way that minimises conflict and fosters their child’s best interests.
A parenting co-ordinator may be appointed by way of court orders or by agreement between parties. Parenting Co-ordinators work alongside parents to help them implement arrangements for their children in a way that promotes healthy communication and avoids conflict.
Parenting Co-ordinators cannot impose a decision but will work with parents to remove obstacles to healthy communication and to suggest tools and techniques to ensure parenting orders are implemented in a way that promotes the wellbeing of their children. Some common elements that may be included in parenting co-ordination are liaising collaboratively with the medical, legal or mental health professionals involved with a family, using dispute resolution techniques to assist parents to resolve disputes and helping parents to access additional supports where necessary, for example parenting apps or therapeutic interventions.
Ultimately, with the assistance of a parenting co-ordinator parents can establish healthy co-parenting arrangements. Conflicts that previously may have led to further litigation become manageable. The ultimate goal is to give parents the tools to move away from the necessity for lawyer led negotiations or court intervention.
At Empower Family Law & Mediation we are trained parenting co-ordinators.
Contact us today if you would like to discuss seeking the appointment of a parenting co-oridinator to assist you and your former partner to implement a parenting agreement.
From your very first conference with us you will know where you stand, what your options are and what to expect.
That is why your first 30-minute consultation with us is FREE.